"The only way to truly grow, is to give"
Mindfulness is a facet of life that we can never truly have enough of. A new year begins and to me that means new and perhaps pre-existing things to be mindful of and for. Whether it's your loved ones, your home or even your favorite bauble that you are in a state of gratitude for, I say good for you!
It is also that time of year for many people to reflect, reset and recharge. Although I do not believe in New Years resolutions for myself (if I want to make change, there's no time like the present, no matter the day or month), I do support the bettering of oneself for anyone and however they'd like to achieve that. Let's all be mindful of our new endeavors and cherish what we currently have.
On the subject of mindfulness and extra thoughtfulness, I'm reminded of all the incredible meaning behind the Buddha pendants that Buddha Mama creates. I'm also reminded of the wonderful work that the ladies of the brand do, such as giving back to important organizations such as Kristi House and Tibet House. The definition of Buddha is "one who is awake". Further it means, enlightened one, one who has achieved nirvana.
No matter what your beliefs are, I believe we could all benefit from enlightenment, achieving a deeper level of happiness and giving more to others.
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